Initial Phone Consult For: Male Factor, Unexplained Male Factor or Partner with Repeated Miscarriage


Initial Phone Consult For: Male Factor, Unexplained Male Factor or Partner with Repeated Miscarriage


Superman syndrome: Too often the male partner is overlooked when his lab work looks  good. This is a huge mistake. We never suggest ignoring one of the partners and thus we excel turning not pregnant into pregnant. Unexplained male factor is 50% of all unexplained infertility. Every couple trying to get pregnant should also treat the male partner.

Package Includes:

* Up to 60 minute private, personalized phone consultation
* Personalized Review of Current Diagnosis and Symptoms, Past Labs, Recommend New Labs or Procedures
* Customized Fertility Enhancement Plan
* Two follow up brief chats if needed (10 minutes) or one email with support staff to clarify any remaining questions

(Study Showed This Method to Improve Sperm Quality by 10.7 fold J Clin Med. 2018 Sept; 7(9) : 239.)

(This non-refundable choice includes your personalized fertility enhancement customized by Your Infertility Specialist aka "The Babymaker" Kristen Burris. This does not include: medications, herbal medicine, supplements or lab work. All purchases are optional)

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